TIPS On-Premise Alcohol Training Approved States
The On-Premise (for restaurants, bars, night clubs, banquets and by-the-drink establishments) TIPS Alcohol Online Training course is valid/accepted in these states with more approvals coming.
TIPS On Premise Training Online is Approved or Accepted in These 44 States and 3 Territories:
Alabama* | Alaska in person only | Arizona* | Arkansas |
California RBS | Colorado* | Connecticut | DC |
Florida | Georgia | Idaho | Illinois |
Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky* |
Louisiana | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota |
Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska |
Nevada | New Hampshire* | New Jersey | New York |
North Carolina | North Dakota | Oklahoma | Ohio |
Oregon | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | South Carolina* |
South Dakota | Tennessee* | Texas | Utah |
Vermont | Virginia | Washington | Washington DC |
West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming | Guam |
Puerto Rico | Virgin Islands |
* Some states have special conditions or additional fees. These will show on the registration page before you are asked to pay.
TIPS On Premise Training Online is Also Approved by These Agencies:
- Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control - Title 4 Basic for Employees
- California ABC - RBS Approved Training Provider
- Illinois Liquor Control Commission - BASSETT Certification Approved
- Indiana Alcohol Tobacco Commission (ATC) Approved Course
- Louisiana Alcohol and Tobacco Control (ATC) Responsible Vendor Approved
- Montana Department of Revenue Approved
- Michigan Liquor Control Commission Approved
- New York State Liquor Authority (NYSLA) ATAP Approved
- Recognized by the Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education
- Approved by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC)
- RAMP server/seller training approved by the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board
- Rhode Island Department of Mental Health, Retardation and Hospitals
- South Dakota Department of Revenue Approved
- Utah Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health
- Vermont Department of Liquor Control Approved
- Washington State Liquor Control Board (WSLCB) Mandatory Alcohol Server Training (MAST)
- Wisconsin Department of Revenue - Wisconsin Bartending License
- Illinois - BASSET alcohol training is now mandatory in most counties in the State of Illinois. BASSETT Certification will be mandatory in all of Illinois effective July 1st 2018. When you take the Illinois TIPS certification online you will receive BOTH your BASSET Certification and your TIPS Certification!
- Massachusetts - Responsible alcohol training is NOT required by the state of Massachusetts. However, Massachusetts is one of the largest TIPS Alcohol certification states. Many Massachusetts cities and towns have made TIPS training mandatory and many of the major liquor liability insurance companies require Massachusetts bars to have all of their staff TIPS certified.
- New York - As of November 17th, 2011, eTIPS online On Premise, an online training and certification program for servers, was approved by the New York State Liquor
Authority (NYSLA). The NYSLA sets the minimum standards for and certifying schools to provide ATAP (Alcohol Training Awareness Program) training. The
NYSLA has also approved the off-premise and gaming courses.
Even though ATAP training is not currently mandatory in the state of New York, TIPS training is required by many New York alcohol serving establishments.The NYSLA encourages the training by considering it a mitigating factor if a liquor violation was to occur and there hadn't been any previous violations in the past 5 years. The training also provides servers of alcohol with the knowledge to recognize potential alcohol-related problems and how to intervene to prevent possible alcohol-related tragedies. - Nevada - Responsible alcohol training is NOT required by the state of Nevada. However, Carson City, Reno and Las Vegas do regulate online alcohol training. The TIPS On-Premise (as well as Off-Premise and Gaming) online course is approved by all three cities. In addition, many gaming and resort establishments have made TIPS alcohol training mandatory for their staff that serves alcohol.
- Rhode Island - Responsible alcohol training is MANDATORY in the state of Rhode Island. TIPS Alcohol Training Online is accepted statewide in Rhode Island. When you enter your information on the sign up page and choose "Rhode Island", you will see a red message that says "eTIPS is approved for use per the state's mandatory training law."
- New Hampshire - TIPS is accepted statewide in New Hampshire for all servers of alcohol except new liquor license holders. New Hampshire laws state that new bar owners: "It is mandatory for any new licensee or his/her designee to attend a management training seminar, developed and provided by the State Liquor Commission within 45 days of issuance of the license. This requirement applies to both on premise and off premise licensees. This requirement does not apply to anyone holding a license as of the effective date (September 9, 2001)."
- Washington - Responsible alcohol training is MANDATORY in the state of Washington. TIPS On-Premise Alcohol Training Online is accepted statewide in Washington. The
Washington State Liqur Cntrol Board (WSLCB) has approved TIPS Online On-Premise alcohol training as part of the Mandatory Alcohol Server Training (MAST).
Servers of Alcohol who are 18 to 20 years of age must posess a Class 13 permit to serve alcohol and servers of alcohol who are 21 and over must posess a
Class 12 Permit to serve alcohol.
Upon completion of the Washington eTIPS course, the participant will be provided a Washington Class 12 permit or Washington Class 13 permit from HCI within 30 days. The state of Washington also requires the student to provide their social security number, date of birth, height and weight when enrolling in the Washington MAST course. This information will NOT be supplied to anyone other than regulatory officials and/or your employer. - Wisconsin - Responsible alcohol training is MANDATORY in the state of Wisconsin. TIPS On-Premise Alcohol Training Online and TIPS Off-Premise Alcohol Training Online
are approved by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue and is accepted statewide in Wisconsin. Anyone who serves alcohol in the State of Wisconsin should
take this training in order to receive their Wisconsin Bartending License from their local liquor authority. Bartenders, servers, managers, owners,
liquor store clerks, grocery store clerks and gas station clerks should take this course.
Once you successfully complete our 2 to 3 hour onine course, you may immediately print your temporary certification. We understand you need this certification to work and have made it available immediately!
After completing our course, the next step for you is to take your completion certificate from our course to your local liquor authority to register and get your actual license to serve alcohol in the community you work in. Wisconsin issues these licenses in each town/city/county and they are only valid in that community.
We know you have a tough schedule and that's why we offer live telephone support to make sure you don't waste time if you're in need of technical assistance.

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100% Online Mobile Friendly Courses